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Portfolio on Emerging issues and forward thinking

Portfolio’s holder: SAI of the United Kingdom.

Portfolio’s objective: The objective of the Emerging Issues and Forward-Thinking portfolio is to promote excellence in audit by supporting EUROSAI members to identify and more importantly act upon emerging issues in a timely way. The Portfolio will collect information from EUROSAI members and external organisations to help identify the most relevant and strategically important issues which require members’ attention. Working collectively with SAIs in the region we will help audited institutes learn from good practice, and auditors to take practical action to improve the efficiency and impact of their audit work.

Operational plan:  

Key activities: researching emerging issues is one of the key areas of the Portfolio’s responsibility but equally important is identifying how to respond to these issues. The Portfolio will continue to monitor the emerging issues of the audit profession and the operating environment of SAIs and relevant stakeholders. It will carry out a review of SAI strategic plans around the EUROSAI region. This will build on the survey work carried out by the previous portfolio holder, the SAI of Finland, and also brainstorming sessions with another SAIs. The portfolio will also communicate the findings of its research and consult with EUROSAI members on which emerging issues need attention. Project groups and other channels will be used to help engage in a timely way, moving beyond discussion to taking action. The Portfolio will identify concrete actions SAIs can and should take -for example investing in skills and capabilities or better use of data-, it will work effectively with others across EUROSAI, and it will make the strategic connections to facilitate successful work across portfolios.

Project Groups:


Materials and documents:

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