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The tasks and duties of the Congress

According to article 9 of the Statutes, the Congress shall have the following powers and duties:

  1. To establish guidelines necessary to attain the objectives of EUROSAI.
  2. To approve the reports of the other constituting bodies of EUROSAI on their respective activities.
  3. To approve proposals submitted by one or more of its members or by the Governing Board.
  4. To approve:
    1. The budget for the period between two ordinary congresses;
    2. The financial contributions of members;
    3. The accounts of EUROSAI
  5. To create technical Committees and working groups and determine their functions.
  6. To elect four members of the Governing Board.
  7. To choose the country in which the next ordinary meeting of the Congress is to be held.
  8. To modify the Statutes of EUROSAI, on the proposal from the Governing Board or one-third of EUROSAI members, by passing a resolution of the Congress by a two-thirds majority of those present, in which case the proposed modification should be sent to the members of EUROSAI 30 days in advance.
  9. To draft its own rules and regulations.
  10. To appoint the Auditors of EUROSAI.
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