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Calendar 2021

03 November
4th TFMA Annual Seminar “Municipal Real Estate Management”

Location: Montenegro

Source:  Task Force Municipality Audit

04 November
5th Annual meeting of the EUROSAI Task Force on Municipality Audit (TFMA)

Location: Montenegro

Source:  Task Force Municipality Audit

04 November
EUROSAI / ECA ‘side event’ in the UN Climate Change COP26

PowerPoint: Save the date

Location: Hybrid (Glasgow & online)

Source:  Portfolio on Relations with non-SAI stakeholders

09 - 10 November
14th Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on Information Technologies (ITWG)

Location: Tallinn (Estonia) & Online

Source:  Information Technology Working Group

16 November
55th EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting

Location: London (United Kingdom)

16 November
7th Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes (e-meeting)

Location: Online

Source:  TF Audit Funds to Disasters and Catastrophes

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