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Calendar 2019

No events for this month
07 - 08 February
EUROSAI Project Group on "Social utilisation and transparency of public sector audits"

EUROSAI Project Group on "Social utilisation and transparency of public sector audits"

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Related events:

12 - 14 February
EUROSAI Peer-to-Peer Capacity Building Workshop

Location: The Netherlands

Source:  Strategic Goal 2 - Institutional capacity development (ESP ’17-’24)

10 - 14 March
III EUROSAI - ASOSAI Joint Conference "Emerging issues and emergency situations"

III EUROSAI - ASOSAI Joint Conference "Emerging issues and emergency situations"

Location: Jerusalem, Israel


Related events:   See link

19 - 20 March
IT Self-assessment (ITSA) and IT Audit Self-assessment (ITASA) Update Meetings

Location: Bern (Switzerland)

19 - 20 March
IT Self-Assessment ITSA Workshop (EUROSAI IT Working Group)

IT Self-Assessment ITSA Workshop (EUROSAI IT Working Group) 

Location: Bern (Switzerland)

03 April
EUROSAI Coordination Team meeting, meeting at technical level

Location: Online

Source:  Coordination Team

04 - 05 April
13th Annual Plenary Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on Information Technologies (WGIT)

Location: Malta

24 April
Seminar of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes on the topic "Transboundary movement of hazardous wastes: problem, consequences and challenges"

Location: Tirana (Republic of Albania)

Source:  TF Audit Funds to Disasters and Catastrophes


Related events:   See link

25 April
5th Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes

Location: Tirana (Republic of Albania)

Source:  TF Audit Funds to Disasters and Catastrophes

07 - 08 May
EUROSAI WGEA Spring Session ‘from Waste Management to Circular Economy’

Location: Kalopanayiotis, Cyprus


Related events:   See link

11 June
EUROSAI Coordination Team Meeting

Location: Jurmala (Latvia)

12 - 13 June
50th EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting

Location: Jurmala (Latvia)

15 - 19 July
IntoSAINT Training Course for Moderators

Location: Belgrade (Serbia)

Source:  TF Audit and Ethics

No events for this month
No events for this month
09 - 10 October
3rd meeting of EUROSAI Strategic Goal 1

Location: Liberec (Czech Republic)

Source:  Strategic Goal 1 - Professional cooperation (ESP ’17-’24)

10 - 11 October
3rd Seminar of the TFMA

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Source:  Task Force Municipality Audit

14 - 16 October
Workshop on the CUBE (Control Space of E-government) and the Active IT Audit Manual

Location: Bratislava (Slovak Republic)

Source:  Information Technology Working Group

22 October
Conference on Biodiversity

Location: Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Subject:  Environment

Source:  Working Group on Environmental Auditing


23 - 24 October
17th EUROSAI WGEA Annual Meeting

Location: Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Source:  Working Group on Environmental Auditing

04 - 07 November
4th Young EUROSAI (YES) Conference

Location: London (England)

Source:  Strategic Goal 1 - Professional cooperation (ESP ’17-’24)

05 - 06 November
Meeting of the EUROSAI Project Group on "Follow-up of implementation of audit recommendations”

Location: Brussels (Belgium)

22 November

Location: Portugal (Lisbon)

Source:  International Cooperation

10 - 11 December
10th Annual Meeting of the EUROSAI Task Force on Audit & Ethics (TFA&E)

Location: Bonn (Germany)

Source:  TF Audit and Ethics

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