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  3. New Auditor General of the State Audit Office of North Macedonia

New Auditor General of the State Audit Office of North Macedonia

January 21, 2020

Members of the Macedonian Parliament elected Mr. Maksim Acevski as the new Auditor General with 81 votes in his favor at the Parliament’s Plenary Session. The new Auditor General took office on December 12, 2019 and his mandate is nine years.

Mr. Maksim Acevski holds a master degree in financial management. He is longtime Certified State Auditor and Assistant Auditor General, and has been working at the State Audit Office since 2001.

Following his election Mr. Maksim Acevski took an oath before the MPs. He thanked them for their trust and acknowledged the honor to be elected to this position.  He committed to working in accordance with the law and to uphold that trust.

The new Auditor General is a Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje - Faculty of Economics graduate. He was born in Veles where he started his professional career in the area of finance.

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