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News from the 50th EUROSAI Governing Board meeting

June 21, 2019

50th Governing Board (GB) meeting

The 50th Governing Board (GB) meeting took place in Jūrmala (Latvia) on 12-13 June 2019, kindly hosted by the SAI of Latvia and preceded by a meeting of the EUROSAI Coordination Team.

Highlights of the 50th meeting of the EUROSAI GB:

  • Information on the overall implementation of the 2017-2023 EUROSAI Strategic Plan (ESP), including the Governance Portfolios, was presented to the GB, who approved the updated EUROSAI’s Operational Plan and also the Terms of Reference for staff secondments in EUROSAI. The Chairs of the existing Working Groups on IT, Environmental Auditing, Audit of the Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes, and of the Task Forces on Audit and Ethics and on Municipality Audit, explained the progress made since the last GB meeting.
  • Regarding the communication portfolio, after taking note of the analysis conducted by the SAI of Latvia on the communication practices, it was agreed to hold additional talks on the EUROSAI Communication Framework and Action Plan for 2019-2020.
  • Concerning relations with other INTOSAI Regional Organisations, the GB endorsed the proposal of the SAI of Hungary for the theme (“Increasing the impact of SAI’s work”) and date (9-11 September 2020) for the IX EUROSAI OLACEFS Joint Conference; approved the financing proposal related to  EUROSAI experts taking part in AFROSAI training events and took note of the information on the 1st Seminar EUROSAI-AFROSAI, to be held in Portugal on 21-22 of November 2019.
  • The GB took note of the 2018-2019 EUROSAI Activity Report and the 2018 EUROSAI Financial Report and auditors’ report, which were presented by the Secretary General.
  • The GB was informed about the auditors’ recommendations regarding some financial issues and agreed on how to publish the Organization’s approved financial statements, together with the auditors’ report, in EUROSAI’s website, with the aim of enhancing transparency and accountability.
  • The GB decided on the financial support to be granted by EUROSAI to the roll out of the IntoSAINT tool within the Organisation and to the staff secondment programme.
  • The GB took note of the update given by the Coordination Team on several matters; the financial requests approved for the 1st semester of 2019, the list of EUROSAI’s seminars and training events, the procedure for closing Project Groups, the planned scope of the Strategic Plan Mid-term review and the initiative to develop a quality and transparency process for EUROSAI products, in line with INTOSAI’s practices.
  • The rules of procedure and the list of observers for the XI EUROSAI Congress (2020) were approved, as well as the date of next GB meeting (1 June 2020).
  • Following a discussion on the criteria and procedure for the selection of positions to be covered in EUROSAI Congresses, the GB entrusted the Secretariat and the Presidency with the drafting of a protocol on the matter.
  • Following a vote by secret ballot, the SAIs of Poland and Portugal were nominated for the INTOSAI Governing Board, among the five candidacies received.
  • The GB took note of the information provided by the INTOSAI Secretariat (regarding the INTOSAI website, work in the field of SDGs, key national indicators and PMF, among others); that provided by the host of the next INCOSAI (including information on the booths); the report of EUROSAI representatives in the INTOSAI GB; and IDI’s update and future thoughts for the cooperation with EUROSAI.

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