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Actions of the state in directing the use of oil shale

Audit Id 1456754111049
Title Actions of the state in directing the use of oil shale
Title in original language

Actividad del Estado en la orientación del uso de la lutita bituminosa


Riigi tegevus põlevkivi kasutuse suunamisel


Year 2014

Environment and Natural Resources



Type of performance

Performed by single SAI

Comments The audit carried out by the National Audit Office indicates that the goals of reducing the environmental impact of oil shale mining and use and increasing the efficiency of mining and use set in the National Development Plan for Oil Shale Use have not been achieved. Environmental charges have failed to motivate entrepreneurs to pollute less or use natural resources more sustainably. Also, the state is preparing new development (2016-2030) without having carried out important studies that would allow it to assess the most significant impact of the use of existing and new oil shale resources on the environment, people’s health and society as a whole.



Audit report


El Tribunal de Cuentas ha realizado una auditorí­a sobre el logro de los objetivos establecidos en el plan nacional de desarrollo para la explotación de lutita bituminosa – disminuir el impacto ambiental de la excavación y del procesamiento de lutita bituminosa y aumentar su eficiencia. ¿Se han realizado investigaciones significativas en base a las cuales se pueda elaborar un nuevo plan de desarrollo para la lutita bituminosa? ¿Recibe el Estado beneficios justos por la excavación y el procesamiento de lutita bituminosa?
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Audit report


The National Audit Office audited whether the following goals set in the National Development Plan for Oil Shale Use have been achieved: Has the state managed to reduce the environmental impact of mining and use and increase efficiency? Has the state carried out the necessary studies forming input for the preparation of the new oil shale development plan? Does the state receive a fair charge for oil shale mining and use?
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National Audit Office of Estonia Performance Audit Department Audit Manager Airi Andresson
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