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About Working Groups, Task Forces and Networks

In compliance with the EUROSAI Statutes (article 9.5) and the Standard Procedures (article 13), technical commissions and study groups can be set up for supporting the Congress, at technical level, in concrete works and initiatives, being thus entrusted with specific mandates.

As established in the General Procedures for the EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2024, Working Groups are set up by the Congress to deal with a variety of issues that are of mutual interest for member SAIs, as well as with professional issues relating to wider audit practice. Working Groups have long-term mandates, but they should not be considered open ended. Regarding Task Forces, they are set up by the Congress or the Governing Board for a limited period of time, to deal with specific assignments or tasks of either a technical or organisational nature. Networks can be built as continuing activities led by member(s) of EUROSAI within the Strategic and Operational Plans, in order to maintain a regular exchange of information, experience and knowledge and a sustainable cooperation over a specific permanent topic.

These structures feed into the implementation of the two Strategic Goals of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2024 and EUROSAI members participate in these bodies on a voluntary basis. 

EUROSAI currently has three Working Groups, one Task Force and one Network:

Working Group on Information Technologies (ITWG)

Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA)

EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes

EUROSAI Network for Ethics (N.ET)

Working Group on Municipality Audit (WGMA)


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