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  3. Database about relevant information on Capacity Building released

Database about relevant information on Capacity Building released

29. Juli 2015


One of the Strategic goals of EUROSAI is Capacity Building.  EUROSAI Strategic Plan reads as follows: ”Building capacity of SAIs means developing skills, knowledge,  structures and ways of working that make an organisation more effective, building on existing strengths and addressing gaps and weaknesses. EUROSAI is committed to facilitating the development of strong, independent and highly professional SAIs.” One of the subgoals is to establish conditions ensuring maximum use of available data, products and experience of others engaged in the field of capacity building.

To fulfil the above mentioned subgoal the EUROSAI Goal Team 1 on Capacity Building accepted a task in the Operational plan in 2012 to identify relevant information available on the websites of international organizations. The responsible SAI for the task (Latvia) collected the relevant materials and information on new professional development. Plenary meeting of Goal Team 1 discussed and accepted the database collected by SAI of Latvia in 2015. The database is available on the website of GT1. According to the Operational Plan, SAI of Latvia is promoting the use of the database through a permanent watch to alert the group about new relevant documents.

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