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  3. EUROSAI Innovations - 6th Newsletter December 2020

EUROSAI Innovations - 6th Newsletter December 2020

9. Dezember 2020

The 6th edition of the newsletter “EUROSAI Innovations” has been released and is available [here]. As well as the five previous publications, it informs EUROSAI members about innovative approaches. In this edition, it is mostly about the need to adapt work forms and working methods to the Covid-19 pandemic: The European Court of Auditors adapts methodology and knowledge sharing, Lithuania reports on the General Government Debt Projections over the medium term for the first time, Turkey introduces new working tools and practices, and Hungary increases efficiency during the pandemic. We are convinced that these contributions are interesting for you and your colleagues, and we kindly ask you to disseminate the publication and its exciting ideas in your SAIs.

If you want to receive the innovations newsletters automatically, please subscribe to them by clicking on the Innovations in EUROSAI subscription option in the [News] section of the website.

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