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  3. II ASOSAI- EUROSAI Joint Conference

II ASOSAI- EUROSAI Joint Conference

29. September 2014

The II ASOSAI-EUROSAI Joint Conference was held in Moscow (Russian Federation) from the 25th to the 27th of September 2014.

The central theme of the Conference was “Lessons Learnt from the Past Experience of Adopting the ISSAIs and their Future Implications” and a total of 21 delegations and 86 participants took part in this event. The selected sub-themes for the Conference were the following:

•Challenges that SAIs face applying or assimilating ISSAIs

•Applying of ISSAIs in performance audit

•Methodological approach to the state budget estimation

This second joint event of these two INTOSAI’s Regional Working Groups enabled the members and observers of the Governing Boards of ASOSAI and EUROSAI to exchange experiences on the implementation of the ISSAIs. Thus, a total of 11 presentations were made by the SAIs of Russia, India, Korea, China, Spain, Japan, Turkey, Portugal, Moldova, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Additionally, the President of OLACEFS and the representative from IDI also made presentations regarding the theme of the Conference, whereas the INTOSAI Director of Strategic Planning offered the audience relevant information on the INTOSAI involvement in the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda.

At the end of the Conference the delegates approved the Moscow Statement , encouraging ASOSAI and EUROSAI members to support the endeavor to achieve another UN General Assembly Resolution, which will be based on Res. A/66/209; to call upon UN member states to give due consideration to include independence, capacity-building of SAIs and the improvement of public accounting systems into the Post-2015 Development Agenda; to persevere in enhancing their institutional and professional staff capacity for implementing the ISSAIs; to support the strategic objective of INTOSAI to improve the standard setting process for public sector auditing; and to take up the translation of ISSAIs into their national languages, when necessary for their wider implementation.


For the additional information please have a look in the Conference’s website 


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