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  3. Invitation to EUROSAI Secondment Programme

Invitation to EUROSAI Secondment Programme

25. Juni 2020

The Supreme Audit Office of Poland, Co-Leader of EUROSAI Strategic Goal 2, invites EUROSAI members to join a new professional development initiative.

The EUROSAI Secondment Programme promotes and encourages all EUROSAI members to organise staff secondments among them, so as to effectively transfer information and expertise, thus enhancing professional capacity of SAIs.

The SAI of Poland invites all EUROSAI Members to participate in the Secondment Programme. In order to participate, applications in English should be sent to Applications should include:

  1. An explanatory synopsis on the grounds of the subject of the secondment. It includes justification of the subject of the secondment, its connection with goals of the beneficiary SAI, benefits for secondee(s) and their SAI, benefits for the hosting SAI;
  2. Identification of a potential hosting SAI with the required expertise in the subject of secondment and confirmation from the potential hosting SAI about its will to participate in the secondment;
  3. The secondment programme (including the scope of the secondment), drafted and agreed by beneficiary and hosting SAIs;
  4. Approval note from the beneficiary SAI for member(s) of its staff to participate in the secondment;
  5. Information how the gained knowledge and skills will be used by secondee(s) after the completion of a secondment;
  6. CVs of the candidates to be seconded;
  7. Costs of the secondments to be reimbursed from the EUROSAI budget.

The deadline for sending applications is 31 August 2020.

The details regarding the Programme are available from the EUROSAI Secondment Programme Terms of Reference.

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