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  3. Invitation to all EUROSAI members to participate in the IDI Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting (SPMR) Program

Invitation to all EUROSAI members to participate in the IDI Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting (SPMR) Program

27. November 2018

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), in cooperation with EUROSAI, is pleased to announce the launch of the new IDI Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting (SPMR) programme, which addresses institutional capacity development and supports Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) in strategic management for stronger SAI performance.

SPMR will be delivered through a combination of regional workshops and SAI-level support based on needs. The program approach allows for flexibility, and a SAI may, in dialogue with the IDI, tailor its participation to the components it deems most relevant. The program is open and suitable for SAIs at all levels of institutional development. However, direct costs of participation (travel, accommodation and conference package) will be covered for SAIs from countries on the OECD-DAC list of eligibility development assistance.

For further information about the program, please find the SPMR program information and the invitation letter addressed to EUROSAI members. Expressions of interest should be sent to IDI (, copying the EUROSAI Secretariat ( by 24 December 2018.

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