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  3. Meeting of EUROSAI Audit Methodology Experts

Meeting of EUROSAI Audit Methodology Experts

22. Oktober 2018

Experts responsible for audit methodology at EUROSAI Supreme Audit Institutions gathered together on 16-17 October 2018 at a meeting in Warsaw, hosted by the Supreme Audit Office of Poland. Some 60 delegates from nearly 30 audit institutions discussed the issues related to audit quality assurance, communication with stakeholders and audit planning, these being three areas of vital importance to the operations of SAIs.

The EUROSAI Audit Methodology Meeting was organised by the Supreme Audit Office of Poland (NIK) that together with the National Audit Office of Sweden (NAO) coordinates the implementation of Strategic Goal 2: Institutional Capacity Development of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan for the years 2017-2023. This strategic goal consists in supporting the Supreme Audit Institutions in their use of new technical capacities, such as e-learning, internships, study visits and demand-driven training programmes. The meeting in Warsaw was organised with a view to defining the needs of European SAIs in the area of capacity development.

The meeting was organised around three thematic areas: quality assurance – ensuring audit quality, including implementation of INTOSAI standards, communication with stakeholders – including modern methods of presenting audit findings and recommendations, such as infographics, and audit planning at strategic and operational level, with the use of risk analysis. Within each area introductory presentations were made to illustrate the main challenges and problems, potential solutions to them and good practices, and to trigger discussions during the workshops that followed – these were consecutive agenda items so that all the participants could contribute to each area. After each workshop a list of needs in the given area was developed, later gathered in one comprehensive list of SAIs’ needs. These will be the basis for future events of the kind, or will serve as an inspiration to offer tools, training or knowledge and experience sharing. ‘The meeting is to help the SAIs’ experts to make contacts within EUROSAI and to work out ideas on further activities in these areas. I also hope that the meeting is just the beginning of a broader initiative and that in the following months and years we will continue with further exchanging of experiences and identification of challenges,’ said President of NIK Krzysztof Kwiatkowski.

Link to materials and photos from the meeting:

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