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  3. Off-site Meeting of the EUROSAI GB Members held in Istanbul

Off-site Meeting of the EUROSAI GB Members held in Istanbul

4. Dezember 2018

An Off-site Meeting of the EUROSAI GB Members was held in Istanbul on 19 November 2018 with the participation of the Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Governing Board Member Countries; Czech Republic, Finland, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands and Turkey.

The meeting started with the opening speech of Mr. Seyit Ahmet Baş, President of EUROSAI and Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA). In his speech he drew attention to the name of the meeting,  “Off-site of the EUROSAI GB Members” which reflected its informal nature, as it was organised aside from the format and agenda of regular GB meetings and it was focussed on those strategic issues that help EUROSAI move forward. In line with the aim and motto of this meeting,  “Governing as a Team for the Future", all GB members found a chance to discuss EUROSAI key principles to succeed in working as a harmonized and cohesive team.

The Off-site Meeting organized by the TCA for the first time promoted dynamic, interactive and productive discussions in a sincere and flexible environment thanks to its design and format. During the first session of the meeting, members brainstormed about key principles of working as a team, areas for improvement, courses of action and concrete proposals. In the second session, SAIs of Latvia and Turkey shared information on recent developments regarding their respective portfolios on communication and governance, and the way forward.

This Off-site meeting proved that gathering of GB members in a sincere environment without the pressure of routine administrative issues promoted the idea of strong team spirit and effective communication, paving the way for governing as a close team.

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