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  3. Registration deadline for the V ARABOSAI-EUROSAI Joint Conference has been extended until the end of the year and information on the Conference format and timetable has been sent out to all EUROSAI members

Registration deadline for the V ARABOSAI-EUROSAI Joint Conference has been extended until the end of the year and information on the Conference format and timetable has been sent out to all EUROSAI members

27. November 2014

The SAI of Qatar has extended the registration date for the V ARABOSAI-EUROSAI Joint Conference until 31st December 2014, to provide more time for SAIs to register for the Conference.

The deadline stated for submitting papers remains as originally set, that is, also the 31st December 2014. Additional information provided by the host on the conference format and planned timetable has also been sent out to EUROSAI members today by mail, via the EUROSAI Secretariat.

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