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  3. The 59th extraordinary EUROSAI Governing Board meeting was held online on 20 December 2023: Summary of Agreements

The 59th extraordinary EUROSAI Governing Board meeting was held online on 20 December 2023: Summary of Agreements

21. Dezember 2023

During its 59th extraordinary online meeting, held the 20th December 2023, the EUROSAI Governing Board approved the celebration of the XII EUROSAI Congress -including the 60th and 61st GB meetings- which will be held in an online format on 27-28 May 2024.

The Supreme Audit Institution of Israel will organise a Post-Congress Conference when the security situation in Israel allows.

You will receive more information about the online XII EUROSAI Congress in the coming weeks.

Please find the complete text of the Summary of Agreements of the 59th EUROSAI Governing Board here.

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