The EUROSAI Secretariat launches a virtual videoconferencing tool for EUROSAI activities
6. April 2020
Like many other Organizations, EUROSAI has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which spreads rapidly across Europe and the rest of the world. Under these circumstances, postponement of EUROSAI seminars and events, including the XI EUROSAI Congress, has been unavoidable. At the same time, the need to ensure continuity of our work makes remote working methods more valuable than ever, since in-person meetings are no longer feasible, and it is unclear for how long that will be so.
Joining this general shifting to virtual working methods and to support the continuation of EUROSAI activities, the EUROSAI Secretariat is pleased to officially launch a virtual tool for videoconferencing, which is freely available for its use in the scope of EUROSAI activities.
EUROSAI activities can now be organized using Blackboard Collaborate, a user-friendly tool for virtual meetings, webinars and web conferencing sessions.
Following INTOSAI IDI’s kind offer of the tool, the Secretariat team has been working for some time, training its staff as administrators and developing guidance materials (manuals for users and moderators, to assist EUROSAI members in the use of this tool).
Moreover, virtual sessions were recently set up for EUROSAI Working Groups and Task Forces and the instructions on how to access them were sent to their respective Chairs. Other EUROSAI key players, including Strategic co-leaders, Project Group leaders and Portfolio holders, are kindly invited to contact the Secretariat for requesting the set-up of their own sessions, as needed.
For more information, please consult this leaflet containing information on the features of the tool and how to request the setting up of a session, which also includes a link to the user manual prepared by the Secretariat.