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  3. The Summer 2024 issue (#9) of EUROSAI Innovations has been released

The Summer 2024 issue (#9) of EUROSAI Innovations has been released

11. Juli 2024

In this Summer 2024 issue, the number 9 of EUROSAI Innovations newsletter, a EUROSAI Project Group led by the French Cour des comptes and dedicated to innovative audit approaches, new ways of engaging with stakeholders or new management concepts, discover how the European Court of Auditors, the French Cour des comptes, the Hellenic Court of Audit, the Italian Corte dei conti and the Latvijas Republikas Valsts kontrole are assuming or developing in an innovative way their jurisdictional functions, or find new ways of cooperation with public prosecutors, in order to better sanction mismanagement and ensure accountability.

Discover the Summer 2024 issue of the EUROSAI Innovations newsletter:

Summer 2024 issue of the EUROSAI Innovations newsletter

Next issue, scheduled for Winter 2024, will be focused on the following theme: “How SAIs are dealing with climate change”.

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