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  3. Update from the 51st EUROSAI Governing Board meeting

Update from the 51st EUROSAI Governing Board meeting

10. Juni 2020

Following the consultation process on the postponement of the XI Congress due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the EUROSAI members entrusted the Governing Board with the decision-making necessary for the normal functioning of EUROSAI that could not be delayed until the news dates of the Congress, in June 2021.

To that end, the Governing Board virtually gathered on 3 June 2020, at the 51st EUROSAI Governing Board meeting, and addressed the key issues needed to ensure that EUROSAI remains operational during this interim period of time until the XI Congress, as well as other issues related to the activity of EUROSAI during the coming months.

The Summary of the main discussions and agreements of the 51st EUROSAI Governing Board meeting is already available on the Organization’s website.

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