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Produkte Datenbank

Die Produktdatenbank enthält grundlegende, aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen stammende Informationen über Produkte von INTOSAI und den Zielteams ihrer regionalen Arbeitsgruppen, Arbeitsgruppen, Task Forces, ORKBn und Ausschüsse. Diese Datenbank bezweckt die Zusammenfassung aller Produkte an einem Ort, um eine bessere Orientierung auf dem Feld der Prüfungen zu ermöglichen. Unter ‚Produkten‘ verstehen wir Veröffentlichungen, Richtlinien, Handbücher, Sitzungsprotokolle, allgemeine Materialien usw.

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Title Quelle Betreff Jahr
Peer Review of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)


Auditing and Financial Management

International Peer Review of the Performance Audit practice of the Icelandic National Audit Office

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)


Auditing and Financial Management

Communication Peer Review of the State Audit Office of Hungary - Extract of the Report

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)


Auditing and Financial Management

Governance and Supreme Audit Institutions - Refl ections from the National Audit Office (INCOSAI Flyer)

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)

United Kingdom

Auditing and Financial Management

Business continuity planning - good practice notes (INCOSAI Flyer)

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)

Auditing and Financial Management

How to develop a professional audit service - best practice notes (INCOSAI Flyer)

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)

Auditing and Financial Management

How to increase the use and impact of audit reports - good practice notes (INCOSAI Flyer)

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)

Auditing and Financial Management

Implementing the International Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs): Strategic considerations - good practice notes (INCOSAI Flyer)

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)

Auditing and Financial Management

What makes for a good short-term expert? - good practice notes (INCOSAI Flyer)

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)

Auditing and Financial Management

Who are we? (INTOSAI Capacity Building) - background briefing (INCOSAI Flyer)

Capacity Building Committee (CBC)


890 Ergebnisse .Angezeigt werden 551 bis 560

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