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First EUROSAI Strategic Plan

The VII EUROSAI Congress (Kraków, Poland, 2008) mandated the Governing Board to design a Strategic Plan for EUROSAI.

The first Strategic Plan was adopted at the VIII EUROSAI Congress (Lisbon, Portugal, 2011) for the period 2011-2017 and provides the goals and focus areas for the work of EUROSAI within these six years.

The Strategic Plan 2011-2017 (updated in June 2014) is based on four goals and is developed in the spirit of openness and transparency in consultation with all EUROSAI members.
The strategic plan contains four goals:

Each goal is accompanied by a Goal Team consisting of representatives of the EUROSAI members. It is the responsibility of each Goal Team to advance EUROSAIs work towards achieving the goals. The Goal Teams report to the EUROSAI Governing Board.

At its XXXVIII Meeting (Lisbon, Portugal, 2 June 2011), under the authorization of the Congress, the EUROSAI Governing Board approved General Procedures for Goal Teams.  The purpose of these General Procedures is to serve as a basic guidance on the composition and reporting of the Goal Teams as well as coordination and liaison between them. They are based on the INTOSAI Handbook for Committees and define particularly those areas in which the Goal Teams may differ from other EUROSAI bodies.

Goal Team 4 annually reports to the Governing Board on the implementation progress of the Strategic Plan:

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