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Institutional Information

EUROSAI undertakes its activity through three bodies: the Congress, the Governing Board and the Secretariat.

There are also three Working Groups, one Task Force and one Network. These implementing bodies are set up for supporting the Congress, at technical level, in concrete works and initiatives, being entrusted with specific mandates in line with the EUROSAI Strategic Plan.

Moreover, as agreed at the X and XI Congresses, during the strategic period 2017-2024 EUROSAI’s governance will be enhanced through the following elements:

a)     Governing Board portfolios: each Governing Board member is responsible for one or more portfolios relating to the governance of EUROSAI and/or the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

The current allocation of Governing Board portfolios is as follows:

    • Overall governance and culture: SAI of the Czech Republic (EUROSAI Presidency).
    • Co-leader of Strategic Goal 1 “Professional cooperation”: SAI of Lithuania.
    • Co-leader of Strategic Goal 2 “Institutional Capacity Development”: SAI of Poland.
    • Communication: SAI of Spain (leader), with the cooperation of the SAI of Israel (co-leader).
    • Relations with non-SAI stakeholders: SAI of Latvia.
    • Relations with INTOSAI and its regional organisations: SAI of Spain (EUROSAI Secretariat).
    • Emerging issues and forward thinking: SAI of the United Kingdom.

b)     Co-leaders of Strategic Goals: coordination of the implementation of each of the two strategic goals will be shared by a Governing Board member and a non-Governing Board member.

Accordingly, the following non-Governing Board member SAIs, co-lead the Strategic Goals:

    • Strategic Goal 1 -professional cooperation- is co-led by the SAI of Germany.
    • Strategic Goal 2  - institutional capacity development - is co-led by the SAI of Sweden.

c)      Coordination Team: a small team within the Governing Board will coordinate and monitor on a regular basis the execution of the EUROSAI Operational Plan.

This Coordination Team is composed of 3 members: SAIs of the Czech Republic (EUROSAI Presidency), Lithuania (Strategic Goal 1 co-leader) and Poland (Goal 2 co-leader). The Secretariat is involved as observer and the non-GB Strategic Goals Co-leaders (SAIs of Germany and Sweden) are guests of the Coordination Team.

d)     Agile project groups: short-term cooperation initiatives led by members of EUROSAI may be set up on a project basis in line with two strategic goals and the envisaged enhancement of EUROSAI governance.

e)     Networks can be built as continuing activities led by member(s) of EUROSAI within the Strategic and Operational Plans, in order to maintain a regular exchange of information, experience and knowledge and a sustainable cooperation over a specific permanent topic.

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