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Calendar 2022

14 June
EUROSAI Project Group “Audit English” – Session 1

Pilot Course

Location: Online (TEAMS)

Source:  Strategic Goal 2 - Institutional capacity development (ESP ’17-’24)

16 June
Kick-off webinar of the EUROSAI Project Group on Travelling Club of Experts on the topic “Quality Assurance Methods in Audit”

Location: MS Teams (11.00 - 12.30 CET)

Source:  Strategic Goal 1 - Professional cooperation (ESP ’17-’24)

27 - 29 June
3rd meeting at technical level of the EUROSAI Governing Board

Location: Warsaw (Poland)

29 June
2nd meeting of the EUROSAI Project Group for Drafting the EUROSAI Strategic Plan (ESP) for 2024-2030

Location: Warsaw (Poland)

Source:  Portfolio on Overall governance and culture

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