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Calendar 2021

28 January
EUROSAI-ECIIA joint webinar

Non-financial and Integrated Reporting in the Public Sector

Location: Zoom 16.00-17.00 (CET Time)

Source:  Portfolio on Relations with non-SAI stakeholders


11 February
Project Group on Auditing the Response to the Covid-19 pandemic - Workstream D1: Health and social care

Location: Blackboard (14:00 -15:15 CET)

Source:  Portfolio on Emerging Issues & Forward thinking

15 March
Project Group on Auditing the Response to the Covid-19 pandemic - Workstream C2: Financial Audit

Peer assist on gaining assurance remotely

Location: Microsoft Teams (14:00-15:00 hours CET)

Source:  Portfolio on Emerging Issues & Forward thinking

16 March
11th Annual Meeting of the EUROSAI Task Force on Audit & Ethics (TFA&E)

Location: Microsoft Teams (10:00-12:00 h. CET)

Source:  TF Audit and Ethics

22 March
EUROSAI Coordination Team Meeting

Location: Blackboard Blackboard (13:30 h CET)

Source:  Coordination Team

26 March
Project Group on Auditing the Response to the Covid-19 pandemic - Webinar

Experience Sharing Webinar to update Heads of SAIs on the PG’s progress so far

Location: Blackboard. 11:00-12:00 CET

Source:  Portfolio on Emerging Issues & Forward thinking

14 April
53rd EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting

Location: Online (9:30 - 12:00 CET)

14 April
XI EUROSAI Congress (Plenary Session)

Location: Online (14:30 - 17:00 CET)

15 April
54th EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting

Location: Online (9:30 - 12:00 CET)

26 - 27 April
EUROSAI WGEA Spring Session

Waste management

Location: Microsoft Teams

Source:  Working Group on Environmental Auditing

27 April
Project Group on Auditing the Response to the Covid-19 pandemic - Workstream D1: Health and social care

Location: Blackboard (14:00 -15:30 CET)

Source:  Portfolio on Emerging Issues & Forward thinking

11 May
e-Seminar of the EUROSAI Working Group on Information Technologies (ITWG) on the topic “From Code to Action: SAIs Discovering the World of AI”

Location: Online meeting

Source:  Information Technology Working Group

04 June
e-Seminar of the EUROSAI Project Group on “Follow-up of the implementation of audit recommendations”

Location: Blackboard Collaborate (2 pm - 3:30 pm CET).

Source:  Strategic Goal 1 - Professional cooperation (ESP ’17-’24)

23 June
EUROSAI-ECIIA joint webinar

Integrated Reporting in the Public Sector

Location: Zoom 16.00-17.00 (CEST Time)

Source:  Portfolio on Relations with non-SAI stakeholders

28 June
EUROSAI Coordinating Team meeting, meeting at technical level

Location: Teams

Source:  Coordination Team

30 June
1st meeting at technical level of the Governing Board members

Location: Microsoft Teams (10:30-11:30 h. CEST)

05 - 08 July
2nd EUROSAI Investigations Seminar

Location: The Hague (The Netherlands)

Source:  Strategic Goal 1 - Professional cooperation (ESP ’17-’24)

07 July
The awareness raising session “General concept of SDGs, progress at national and subnational levels“

Location: Zoom 9:00-11:20 CET

Source:  Task Force Municipality Audit

No events for this month
13 September
The awareness raising session “Localisation, mainstreaming and integration of the SDGs at municipal level“

Location: Zoom 9:00-14:30 CET

Source:  Task Force Municipality Audit

14 September
IT Self-assessment (ITSA) and IT Audit Self-assessment (ITASA) Update Meetings

Location: Skype 10:00-11:30 (UTC+01:00) and 14:00-15:30 (UTC+01:00)

Source:  Information Technology Working Group

15 September
Brainstorming Session for EUROSAI Strategic Goal 1 "Professional Cooperation"

Location: Webex

Source:  Strategic Goal 1 - Professional cooperation (ESP ’17-’24)

21 September
1st meeting of the PG for the “Relaunch of the EUROSAI’s Website”

Location: Online

Source:  Portfolio on Communication

01 October
Strategic Goal 2 (SG2) Meeting

Location: On line

Source:  Strategic Goal 2 - Institutional capacity development (ESP ’17-’24)

13 - 15 October
2nd meeting at technical level of the Governing Board members

Location: Prague (Czech Republic) & On line

14 October
1st meeting of the EUROSAI Project Group for Drafting the EUROSAI Strategic Plan (ESP) for 2024-2030

Location: Prague (Czech Republic) / online

Source:  Portfolio on Overall governance and culture

15 October
2nd meeting of the PG for the “Relaunch of the EUROSAI’s Website”

Location: Hybrid (Prague & Online)

Source:  Portfolio on Communication

19 - 20 October
19th EUROSAI WGEA Annual Meeting

Location: Zoom

Source:  Working Group on Environmental Auditing

22 October
3rd meeting of the PG for the “Relaunch of the EUROSAI’s Website”

Location: Online

Source:  Portfolio on Communication

03 November
4th TFMA Annual Seminar “Municipal Real Estate Management”

Location: Montenegro

Source:  Task Force Municipality Audit

04 November
5th Annual meeting of the EUROSAI Task Force on Municipality Audit (TFMA)

Location: Montenegro

Source:  Task Force Municipality Audit

04 November
EUROSAI / ECA ‘side event’ in the UN Climate Change COP26

PowerPoint: Save the date

Location: Hybrid (Glasgow & online)

Source:  Portfolio on Relations with non-SAI stakeholders

09 - 10 November
14th Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on Information Technologies (ITWG)

Location: Tallinn (Estonia) & Online

Source:  Information Technology Working Group

16 November
55th EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting

Location: London (United Kingdom)

16 November
7th Meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes (e-meeting)

Location: Online

Source:  TF Audit Funds to Disasters and Catastrophes

No events for this month
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