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Frequently Asked Questions

What does EUROSAI stand for?

Which organizations can become member of EUROSAI?

How many Regional Groups are there within INTOSAI?

What are the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI)?

What are the official languages of EUROSAI?

What are the objectives of the Organisation?

When and where did the Constitutive Conference and I Congress of EUROSAI take place?

How many SAI are members of EUROSAI?

How does EUROSAI undertake its activity?

What is the EUROSAI Congress?

When does the EUROSAI Congress meet?

How does the EUROSAI Congress adopt its agreements?

What is the composition of the EUROSAI Congress?

What are the EUROSAI Congress powers, responsibilities, tasks and duties?

What is the EUROSAI Governing Board and what are its main responsibilities?

When does the EUROSAI Governing Board meet?

What is the composition of the EUROSAI Governing Board?

Which SAI holds the EUROSAI Secretariat?

What are the functions/competences/responsibilities of the EUROSAI Secretariat?

What kind of Working Groups, Task Forces and Committees are currently operating within the EUROSAI framework?

How is EUROSAI activity planned?

How does EUROSAI account for its Strategic Plan implementation results?

What is the Training Policy of EUROSAI?

With what organizations does EUROSAI cooperate?

What are the EUROSAI Publications?

How to upload or add information or materials?

Which databases can be found on the EUROSAI website?

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