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EUROSAI Training Committee (2000-2011)

The creation of a EUROSAI Training Committee (ETC) was approved by the Governing Board at its XXI meeting held in Madrid (Spain) in 2000, following an extraordinary (XIX) meeting in Paris in November 1999 and a preparatory meeting in Frankfurt in early 2000.

The ETC was set up with eight Members: the SAI of the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom. The SAI of France and Spain co-presided over the Committee.

At the XXXI meeting of the EUROSAI Governing Board (Reykjavik, 11 September 2006), it was agreed to incorporate to the Training Committee as new Members, the SAI of Lithuania and the SAI of Hungary; that had been observers at the Committee since 2002 and 2005, respectively. At the XXXII meeting of the Governing Board (Bern, 13 September 2007), the SAI of the Russian Federation became Member of the EUROSAI Training Committee, after having participated in this Committee as an observer.

Some other entities have regularly taken part in the ETC meetings: the European Court of Auditors, the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and SIGMA.

The ETC, under the authority of the Governing Board, was in charge of the matters relating to training within the EUROSAI region.

The EUROSAI Governing Board, at its XXXVII Meeting (Lisbon, Portugal, 30 May 2011), agreed the closing of the ETC understanding their tasks already fulfilled and, thus, fitting the way of developing future training under the global umbrella of the EUROSAI Strategic Plan 2011-2017.

You can read more about the ETC in the EUROSAI's Training Heritage Subsection.

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