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  3. Conference on the importance of Ethics and Integrity for Supreme Audit Institutions

Conference on the importance of Ethics and Integrity for Supreme Audit Institutions

29 de noviembre de 2016

Conference on the importance of Ethics and Integrity for Supreme Audit Institutions

According to the Strategic Plan of EUROSAI for the Period of 2011–2017, one of the highlighted objectives is to “Facilitate the development and the strengthening of institutional capacity of EUROSAI members”. To enhance this objective, EUROSAI Goal Team 1 together with the active participation of EUROSAI Task Force on Audit & Ethics, the group of countries involved with INTOSaint, IDI, and the ISSAI 30 working group of INTOSAI organised a seminar concerning ethics and integrity in the operation of Supreme Audit Institutions between 14-15 September 2016.

During this conference, the participants had great opportunity to receive information about different concepts relating to the topic in question. The State Audit Office of Hungary, as the host of the event, prepared a video that attempts to present the main outcomes of this two-day seminar by concluding and sharing the relevant and particularly interesting lectures of the presenters.

Please find the video by clicking on the following link:


EUROSAI Goal Team 1

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