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EUROSAI Project Group on Auditing the Response to the Covid-19 pandemic Project Closure

10 de mayo de 2024

The project group on Auditing the Response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been closed. The project group was led by SAI United Kingdom as part of their portfolio on Emerging Issues and Forward Thinking. Since 2020, 34 SAIs have participated in project group activities, which included knowledge sharing events, online roundtables, surveys, and the development of resources for auditors to use to air their work.

 The project group primarily focused on three key areas: pressure on public services caused by the pandemic; differential impact of the pandemic on populations; and economic recovery from the pandemic. Webinars looked at topics such as economic support to people and businesses during the pandemic, auditing the vaccination rollout across Europe, and the wider impact of the pandemic on public services.

 As part of our project group, we shared our learning with INTOSAI and other bodies. We spoke at INTOSAI seminars, an UN/INTOSAI joint seminar, and engaged closely with the Steering Committee on Emerging Issues. We additionally engaged with regional organisations and groups such as the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

 By working collectively, we were able to enhance the quality of our audit responses and provide a better public audit service to our citizens. SAIs around the world had to react quicky to develop a programme of work focusing on government responses to Covid-19. The project group benefited EUROSAI members in terms of sharing knowledge and methodologies.

 SAIs’ work on Covid-19 responses highlighted the importance of maintaining basic standards of public accountability in an emergency, the central role of good quality data in responding to crises, and the need to improve resilience to large scale emergencies. We have set up a new Resilience and Preparedness project group, which will take forward lessons learned from auditing the Covid-19 response to consider how we audit government’s preparedness for future crises in a variety of areas.

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