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  3. EUROSAI and ECIIA have extended their Cooperation Agreement until June 2014

EUROSAI and ECIIA have extended their Cooperation Agreement until June 2014

10 de julio de 2013

On 7 March 2011, EUROSAI and the ECIIA signed in Rome a Cooperation Agreement . This Agreement is aimed at creating a collaboration process that will enable both organisations’ mutual benefiting from their works, and promote knowledge sharing and is currently being developed mainly through Goal Team 2, with the support of the EUROSAI Secretariat, in the area of INTOSAI GOV concerning internal control.

The GB agreed in Brussels, during its 40th meeting held on the 30th May, on renovating the validity of this Cooperation Agreement, which expires in March 2014, until the IX EUROSAI Congress, in June 2014. In its meeting of June, 2013, the ECIIA Board validated the extension of the Cooperation Agreement validity agreed on by the EUROSAI Governing Board.

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