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  3. GT3 questionnaire on training needs prepared by the GT3 training subgroup was launched

GT3 questionnaire on training needs prepared by the GT3 training subgroup was launched

7 de noviembre de 2013

GT3 questionnaire on training needs prepared by the GT3 training subgroup was launched

Goal Team 3 (Knowledge Sharing Team) is among others in charge of organising training events to share experience and knowledge according to the needs identified within EUROSAI members.

Therefore, regular updating and identification of training needs must be provided. The GT3, which cooperated closely with the other GTs, TFs and WGs, prepared a questionnaire on training needs, based on the assessment of previous actions and on the lessons learnt from  the European Training Committee (ETC) questionnaires that were circulated in the years 2003, 2005 and 2011. Now, the new version of questionnaire for the period 2014-2016 was distributed to all EUROSAI members.

The responses will help the GT3 to implement the training strategy consistent with the development of professional audit in EUROSAI. The deadline for the completion of the questionnaire is 10 December 2013.

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