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  3. Global SAI stocktaking Report 2017

Global SAI stocktaking Report 2017

26 de enero de 2018

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) has published a report in two volumes of the results of the triannual stocktaking of the performance and capacities of Supreme Audit Institutions.

The Global Stocktaking Report integrates the results of the INTOSAI Global Survey 2017, as well as relevant findings from analysis of other data sources include PEFA assessments, the Open Budget Survey, and SAI PMF assessments. The report also tracks changes over time, against the IDI Global Stocktaking 2014, and the seminal 2010 Stocktaking Report prepared by the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation. It also highlights key findings in the areas of SAI Independence, SAI organisational systems and professionalization and SAI capacity development. The stocktaking report also summarises performance of SAIs within each INTOSAI region, and provides comparative information on the INTOSAI regional organisations.

In the other hand, the Annex volume provides a statistical appendix of key indicators by income and regional classification, and a more detailed presentation and analysis of the data.

The Global Stocktaking Report will also be available in French and Spanish in due course.

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