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  3. INTOSAI CBC held its annual meeting in Stockholm in September, 2015

INTOSAI CBC held its annual meeting in Stockholm in September, 2015

22 de septiembre de 2015

INTOSAI CBC held its annual meeting in Stockholm in September, 2015

INTOSAI CBC held its annual meeting between 8 and 10 September, 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden. 93 participants from all the INTOSAI Regions, and key partner organizations (IDI, World Bank) participated in the meeting. Among the others Ms Karen Linda Ortiz Finnemore (EUROSAI Secretariat), Mr Igor Sulaj, Mr Igor Ciho, Mr Imrich Gál (SAI of Slovakia) and Mr Peter Danko (Hungary – EUROSAI Goal Team 1 on Capacity Building) attended the meeting from the EUROSAI Community.

According to its mission, the INTOSAI CBC is the advocate for (and custodian of) SAI capacity development within the INTOSAI community. CBC facilitates initiatives in support of SAIs and regions, building their capacities and enhancing their capabilities. During the XXIst INTOSAI Congress held in Beijing, SAI of South Africa took over the leadership from its predecessor (SAI of Morocco). The Vice Chair of CBC is SAI of Sweden.

Under the new presidency period, CBC approved its work plan 2014-2016. This document was worded on the basis of the Concept paper for the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee – Strategic development 2014-2016.

The main topics of the Annual meeting were:

-       Parallel work session on INTOSAI audit certfication / IntoSAINT and Cooperative Audits / Peer review,

-       Regional Forum for Capacity Development

-       INTOSAI strategic planning process

-       The evolution of the CBC value proposition

-       Regional professionalism

-       SAI capacity/relevance in a Post 2015 Development Agenda perspective.

During the Regional Forum for Capacity Development Mr Peter Danko – head of department, SAO of Hungary), presented the Database of relevant information on Capacity Building. This database was assembled by the SAI of Latvia as one of the products of the EUROSAI Goal Team 1 on Capacity Building.

More information on the Annual CBC Meeting are available at the CBC Website.

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