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Information from the Portfolio on relations with non-SAI stakeholders on the Auditors Alliance Platform launch

6 de octubre de 2020

“Audit Innovation in Times of Crisis”, a virtual meeting of the Auditors Alliance, took place on 23 September 2020. The recording of the Auditors Alliance meeting, is available through this LINK.

During the meeting the OECD launched the Auditors Alliance online platform. The Auditors Alliance is a community-driven platform for internal and external auditors in the public sector to discover, connect, and share insights and expertise on their audit practices. It aims to:

  • Bring together public sector auditors
  • Create a space to share better practices and overcome challenges in public sector auditing
  • Facilitate institutional partnerships in the spirit of mutual learning and targeted co-operation, matching the needs and skills of different auditors and audit entities

Auditors from across the public sector auditing profession can join, including those from:

  • Internal audit bodies and internal audit organisations
  • Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and SAI organisations
  • Sub-national internal and external audit entities
  • International organisation audit bodies

Note that the Alliance does not focus on financial statement auditing, but explores other areas of internal and external audit with a particular focus on performance, value-for-money, and compliance auditing.

The platform can be accessed through:

  • <fmt:message key='org.eurosai.action.EmailPage' />
  • <fmt:message key='org.eurosai.action.PdfPage' />
  • <fmt:message key='org.eurosai.action.PrintPage' />

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