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  3. New Chairman of the Supreme Audit Institution of Armenia

New Chairman of the Supreme Audit Institution of Armenia

23 de marzo de 2017

The National Assembly of Armenia appointed Mr. Levon Yolyan as a new Chairman of the Chamber of Control (SAI) of the Republic of Armenia for 6-year term as of February 28, 2017, replacing Mr. Ishkhan Zakaryan, who resigned after his 10-year tenure at the office.

Mr. Levon Yolyan was a Deputy Chairman of the SAI of Armenia for almost 9 years. Among other positions, he was a Head of the RA State Health Agency, a Deputy Minister of Health, Minister of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia.

Mr. Levon Yolyan is the Deputy Chairman of the Armenia Chess Federation. He has the title of chess master of sports of international class.

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