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Re-run of the E-course on Risk based Approach to Financial Auditing

22 de agosto de 2013

As part of the IDI’s efforts to assist the SAIs in implementation of INTOSAI Auditing Standards (ISSAIs), the Secretariat is pleased to inform EUROSAI members that the IDI has decided to have a re-run of the E-course on Risk based Approach to Financial Auditing, due to the high demand for this course from different regions.

 The programme will be delivered through e-learning via the internet, in English, and will be of 7 weeks duration, scheduled for 09 September - 25 October 2013. Participation in the e-learning course will be free of cost for the participants.

 The invitation letter to the E-course, the conditions for participation and selection criteria and the course information were sent by mail to EUROSAI members on the 22nd of August. Participation in the programme is open to all the EUROSAI members, but preference will be given to the SAIs listed in the OECD’s Development Assistance Committees List.

SAIs interested in nominating participants for this course are requested to send the completed nomination forms electronically, at the latest by 30 August 2013.

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