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Results of Workshop on INTOSAI Competency Framework for Auditors

28 de agosto de 2015


At the last INTOSAI Governing Board meeting the Task Group on INTOSAI Certification of Auditors was mandated to develop a core competency framework for public sector auditing that will be piloted within INTOSAI in order to test INTOSAI certification feasibilities as per the planned timelines set out in the Task Group’s 2014 White Paper on professional development in INTOSAI.  This initiative took a big step forward when from 17-19 June this year, members of the Task Group met in Oslo, Norway, to conceptualise a framework that will inform the design of core competencies which are unique to the professional development of public sector auditors across the globe.

The main objectives of the workshop were to –

  • analyse, define and standardise core competency framework concepts
  • define and agree to an outline framework of the proposed core competency framework, and
  • define the enabling process to take the initiative forward.

Representatives of EUROSAI also participated in the workshop.

You can find more details on the INTOSAI CBC website.

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