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  3. The IX EUROSAI-OLACEFS Joint Conference is to be organized online, in September 2020

The IX EUROSAI-OLACEFS Joint Conference is to be organized online, in September 2020

14 de julio de 2020

The EUROSAI and the OLACEFS respective Governing Boards accepted the offer of the State Audit Office of Hungary to host the forthcoming IX EUROSAI-OLACEFS Joint Conference from 9 to 11 September online. In close cooperation with the EUROSAI and OLACEFS Secretariats, the SAO of Hungary has prepared a preliminary agenda and is currently working on the technical background, the professional framework and other solutions required by the remote organization of such a large volume event.

The motto of the event is: “The COVID 19 pandemic: a unique opportunity for Supreme Audit Institutions to highlight the impact of their work”, a theme that ensures actuality, relevance and an interesting basis for vivid discussions and valuable debates. The role of SAIs – under circumstances where health, prevention and human life became central issues – and their real impact could be considered as an especially “hot-potato”, a question to which each and every Supreme Audit Institution is seeking an answer. Regardless of our nationality or geographical location, we all need to adjust to the changed circumstances; even if it is an uncertain situation, hopefully the joint conference will result in fruitful conversations and future cooperation activities among the participating SAIs. 

The online Joint Conference is to be held for three days, taking into consideration the time-shifts among countries. Day one starts with an opening ceremony, where the president of the EUROSAI, Mr. Seyit Ahmet Baş, president of the OLACEFS, Mr. Nelson Eduardo Shack Yalta and the president of the SAO Hungary are delivering their welcoming remarks. Afterwards, the plenary session starts, with four interesting presentations and then a Q&A section ends the meeting. On day two, panel discussions and workshops will be held, which are more interactive formats, involving the attendees of the conference actively. In order to enable attendees to participate in two different workshops, there will be two editions of the eight workshops, so that on day three everyone can join a second workshop. The last day contains a plenary session, where conclusions are drawn and after which closing remarks are made by Ms. María José de la Fuente y de la Calle, Secretary General of EUROSAI, Mr. Jorge Bermúdez Soto, Executive Secretary of OLACEFS, and the representative of the SAO Hungary.

Besides the professional program, attendees are offered an opportunity to have a glimpse to the Hungarian culture, in form of virtual social programs. E-cultural programs are really novel and their primary aim is to bring the participants a bit closer to the everyday lives of Hungarians and to their cultural values.

The registration deadline of the conference is 3rd of August 2020, if you are interested on how to become a participant, check your mailbox for the invitation or contact our team via!

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