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  3. What’s on in European SAIs : GT1 news

What’s on in European SAIs : GT1 news

13 de mayo de 2013

As part of working with the EUROSAI Goal Team 1– the one responsible for identifying and dissemination best capacity building practices – we have just released EUROSAI Innovations (available in English and French). The publication provides a forum for the different SAIs in Europe to publicise what they consider their most interesting recent innovations.

In the first edition, 15 SAIs sent in some 43 different examples of innovations. They range from: work in Lithuania on following up recommendations; to the work France does to make internal training events available via videoconferencing to other French-speaking SAIs; Germany’s efforts to increase budget transparency; efforts in Estonia to reduce their ecological footprints; and the United Kingdom’s work on helping governments take a structured approach to reducing spending.

Each entry is brief – rarely more than 3-4 paragraphs –and as part of democratising knowledge transfer, individual emails are provided so if someone wants more information they can just get in touch directly with those responsible for the innovation.

At this stage we are planning a second edition to publish next January and we will do a follow up to assess whether it is proving useful – and in particular whether anyone actually does get in touch with those who have provided their emails. Work will soon be starting on the next edition, so start thinking now of innovations in your SAI which you would like to share across EUROSAI!

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