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  3. Promoting sustainable development

Promoting sustainable development

Audit Id 1570693063533
Título Promoting sustainable development
Tí tulo en el idioma original

Kestävän kehityksen edistäminen


Año 2019

Environment and Natural Resources

Sustainable Development



Tipo de acción

Performed by single SAI

Descripción The purpose of the audit was to examine how the Government has planned, steered and monitored the efforts to promote sustainable development. The results and impacts of the efforts were not assessed in the audit. The Government has not adequately examined the economic impacts of the actions to promote sustainable development. Information on appropriations is, nevertheless, presented in budget proposals in which sustainable development is highlighted as a policy area. However, the information presented about sustainable development has not steered the budget-drafting process. The ministries now attach greater importance to sustainable development. Some ministries have incorporated sustainable development into their strategies, and ministries have also identified functions that help to implement sustainable development objectives. Measures have also been taken to strengthen the internal coordination of sustainable development. However, the ministries have not made any in-depth analysis of whether their functions are ecologically, economically and socially sustainable. A system to monitor and assess sustainable development and to report on it has been established in Finland under the auspices of the Prime Minister’s Office. Finland has a comprehensive system to monitor and review its national objectives. Finland provides information for about half of all global indicators. More information is produced for indicators important to global reporting than for less important indicators. The National Audit Office recommends that the Government should have better instruments for assessing economic impacts, steer the ministries more effectively and help the ministries to better analyse whether their policies are in line with sustainable development.



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