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  3. Savings in the materiel supply of the Swedish Armed Forces – the Government Implementation Group 2008

Savings in the materiel supply of the Swedish Armed Forces – the Government Implementation Group 2008

Audit Id 1584000714947
Título Savings in the materiel supply of the Swedish Armed Forces – the Government Implementation Group 2008
Tí tulo en el idioma original

Besparingar i försvarets materielförsörjning – regeringens genomförandegrupp 2008


Año 2012

Defence and Army



Tipo de acción

Performed by single SAI

Descripción The Implementation Group selected 32 materiel systems that were to be cancelled or scaled down in order to create reduced costs within the materiel supply of the Armed Forces. Further, the Implementation Group identified the potential for efficiency increases in the support operations within the Armed Forces and recommended this to be further investigated. It was the opinion of the government that a certain amount that was to be released from the materiel appropriation should be transferred to the unit appropriation. The savings have had a negative influence on the possibility of the Armed Forces to maintain certain subordinate capabilities that the government agency has assessed to be important for its operational capability. It is the assessment of the Swedish NAO that the government was aware of the risks created with respect to the operational capability of the Armed Forces, during the savings process. The Swedish NAO has also determined that the savings carried out are not in full agreement with the principles of the materiel supply strategy of the government, since only a minor part of the cancelled or reduced projects consist of development projects. Materiel projects that concern the direct acquisition of materiel have also been cancelled, in order to achieve the savings.
The audit also shows that the government savings in certain cases have created new costs and poor use of resources. There are examples of how the cancellation of a materiel project has led to increased costs due to the need to carry out new acquisitions, or due to the costs of maintenance increasing



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