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  3. 43rd EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting

43rd EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting

12 Март 2015 г.


The 43rd EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting was held in Helsinki the 10th of March of 2015, gathering 46 representatives from Governing Board members, observers and rapporteur guests.

Many topics proposed by the rapporteurs were discussed by the members of the EUROSAI Governing Board, promoting the debate and exchange of ideas among the participants. At the initiative of the National Audit Office of Finland, host of the meeting, the Padlet application was used during the meeting for gathering feedback on certain issues from the participants, in an innovative format. Among the topics that were discussed were the lessons learnt from the IX EUROSAI Congress, the launching of cooperative audits in the fields of Healthcare, Extractive Industries and Open Data, the criteria for selecting external partners, the use of EUROSAI databases of audits and products, and the granting of financial backing from the EUROSAI budget.

The reports of all the EUROSAI Goal Teams, Working Groups, Task Force and Monitoring Committee were also presented to the Governing Board, as well as the EUROSAI 2014 Financial Information and the Secretary General’s Activity Report 2014-2015.

During the meeting, it was decided to give new impetus to the format of cooperation with the rest of the INTOSAI Regional Working Groups, in order to make it more dynamic and fruitful. Moreover, the dates proposed by the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Qatar for the next ARABOSAI - EUROSAI Joint Conference were approved.

Other important decisions taken by the Governing Board were the way forward for an independent evaluation of EUROSAI with a previous self-assessment, and the designation of EUROSAI’s candidate for hosting the 2019 INCOSAI.

At the end of the meeting, which was the last for our current President, Mrs. Saskia J. Stuiveling, before she retires in a few months after a fruitful mandate, a commemorative video of the 25th anniversary of EUROSAI was presented. Moreover, it was also decided during the meeting that a small event commemorating the mentioned anniversary will be celebrated during the OLACEFS - EUROSAI Joint Conference that will be held in Quito (Ecuador) next June.


Photo taken by Harri Vaskimo/Actionphoto Oy

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