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  3. 44th EUROSAI Governing Board meeting in Luxembourg

44th EUROSAI Governing Board meeting in Luxembourg

4 Июль 2016 г.

The 44th EUROSAI Governing Board (GB) meeting took place in Luxembourg on 13 and 14 June 2016, hosted by the European Court of Auditors. In the event participated 18 EUROSAI members ( 8 GB members, 4 observers and 6 invited guests). The meeting was structured around three main topics, i.e. general EUROSAI matters, strategic issues and the EUROSAI cooperation with INTOSAI and other international organisations.

In the first part of the meeting, related to general issues, the Governing Board took note of the Secretary General’s EUROSAI Activity Report 2015, the information provided on the implementation of the Presidency Programme, the 2015 EUROSAI financial statements and the corresponding Audit Report. Moreover, the Governing Board approved the organisation of the 3rd YES Conference in Estonia and the amendment of the EUROSAI Financial Rules to include new criteria for granting subsidies from the EUROSAI budget, and agreed on the financial requests to be granted in 2016.

In the second part of the meeting the Governing Board (Strategic Issues) focused on the annual reports of Goal Teams, Working Groups and Task Forces. One of the strategic decisions taken during this session concerned the establishing of a new Task Force on Municipality Audit, following the proposal in this regard presented by the SAI of Lithuania.

During the second day of the meeting the preliminary results of the independent EUROSAI evaluation were presented and the Governing Board decided to postpone the decision on the implementation of phase II of the evaluation, since phase I had not concluded. Also, particular interest was paid to the role of the Governing Board and how to strengthen relations between EUROSAI and INTOSAI. The development of the next EUROSAI Strategic Plan for 2017-2023 was also discussed by the Governing Board; Goal Team 4 was requested to present a draft to the Governing Board by February 2017, to be analysed during an extraordinary meeting of the GB.

Cooperation with other international organisations (INTOSAI and its Regional Working Groups, IDI, ECIIA) was the topic of the subsequent part of the meeting. Among other decisions, the Governing Board selected the SAI of Portugal for replacing the SAI of Russian Federation as a member of the INTOSAI Governing Board during the period 2016-2019 and approved the regional papers to be presented for the XXII INCOSAI, as well as the Terms of Reference for the Joint Seminar with ECIIA, to be held in Brussels in the spring of 2017.

The Governing Board meeting was closed with the discussion on the necessary preparations for the 10th EUROSAI Congress, the Technical Conference 2016 and the next EUROSAI Governing Board (extraordinary) meeting, to be held in Moldova. 

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