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  3. 45th EUROSAI Governing Board meeting in Moldova: approval of the Draft Strategic Plan 2017-2023 and next steps towards its endorsement by the X Congress

45th EUROSAI Governing Board meeting in Moldova: approval of the Draft Strategic Plan 2017-2023 and next steps towards its endorsement by the X Congress

1 Март 2017 г.

On 16 February 2017, the EUROSAI Governing Board (GB) held its 45th meeting in Chişinău, the capital of the Republic of Moldova. The meeting was hosted by the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova and chaired by Mr Arno Visser, President of EUROSAI and of the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA). The Heads of SAI of all of the 8 members of the GB were represented. The delegations of Poland (NIK) and the INTOSAI secretariat were also present, as observers.

The meeting was an extraordinary one, with as its main focus the discussion and approval of the Draft Strategic Plan 2017-2023. Mr Visser introduced the Draft explaining that the aim has been to develop a focussed, demand-driven and forward-looking document, addressing new challenges and supporting the successful realisation of EUROSAI’s key goals in the coming years. This plan shall be submitted to the X EUROSAI Congress in May of this year, to be held in Istanbul, Turkey. The draft Strategic Plan was unanimously endorsed by the GB along with its two goals, namely:

  1. Supporting effective, innovative and relevant audits by promoting and brokering professional cooperation;
  2. Helping SAIs deal with new opportunities and challenges by supporting and facilitating their institutional capacity development.

On the basis of a draft Memorandum, the Governing Board members then discussed in further detail the proposed enhancements to the structure and governance of EUROSAI, which will help ensure the realisation of the two strategic goal. This lively discussion in plenary and break-out sessions contributed to a further elaboration and fine tuning of the Memorandum.

On the 24 February all EUROSAI Heads of SAI received a letter from President Visser (NCA) consulting them on the Draft EUROSAI Strategic Plan. They also received the Memorandum on enhanced Structure and Governance and a form to register their interest in actively contributing to the implementation of the plan. Following this consultation Goal Team 4 on Governance and Communication will finalize the Draft EUROSAI Strategic Plan in April and submit it to GB for approval by written procedure, prior to its endorsement by the X Congress.

The GB also discussed some other issues, including the forthcoming EUROSAI Congress. The Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA) provided the GB with an enthusiastic presentation regarding the preparations, the detailed programme (seminars and workshops) and issues with regard to security, hotel, transfers and social activities.

Once again we would like to thank the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova for organizing this meeting at short notice and for hosting the participants in a very friendly and professional way.

The next GB meeting will be the 46th to be held on the 22nd of May, on the first day of the EUROSAI Congress in Turkey.

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