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  3. Call for contributions for the next EUROSAI Innovations Newsletter

Call for contributions for the next EUROSAI Innovations Newsletter

27 Январь 2025 г.

Dear colleagues,

Following the publications of issues #7, #8, #9 and #10 of the EUROSAI Innovations Newsletter, the call for contributions for the issue #11, that will be published in Summer 2025, has been sent.

It is kindly reminded you that EUROSAI innovations is the EUROSAI Newsletter dedicated to innovative audit approaches, new ways of engaging with stakeholders or new management concepts. This newsletter is published by the Project Group "Innovations in EUROSAI" and is part of EUROSAI's Strategic Goal 1 (SG1), which aims to support effective, innovative and relevant audits by promoting and facilitating professional cooperation among European SAIs.

The next issue will be focused on “Cooperation between SAIs: from international comparisons to joint audits”, still under the prism of innovation, whether it's a question of new partnership between SAIs, methodology or the subject of the cooperation. This topic could also include any particular initiative from a SAI to foster cooperation on a European level.

The submission guidelines are:

- the deadline to send your contribution is 24 of May, leaving time for us to send you edits of the draft and finalize the layout of the newsletter.

- Each article should be published under the name of its real author, accompanied by a photo of her/him, and count 4000 signs or 700 words maximum.

- Each article should contain pictures, diagrams or graphs to illustrate the matter.

- Each article should contain useful links and contacts to allow the readers to extend their reading by reaching the relevant people or by reading other articles.

One of the goals of this newsletter is to diversify the contributors, so if your SAI has never contributed (or not recently) to this newsletter and you think that it has something interesting to share about jurisdictional topics, you are strongly encouraged to submit a contribution!

We hope that this topic will catch your attention and remain at your disposal for any further information.

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