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  3. Commemoration of the 40 Years of Lima Declaration

Commemoration of the 40 Years of Lima Declaration

7 Декабрь 2017 г.

The Commemoration of the 40 Years of Lima Declaration of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) took place on December 5th, 2017 in Lima, Peru, hosted by Mr. Nelson Shack, General Comptroller of the Republic of Perú.

The transcendence and validity of the principles contained in the Lima Declaration, considered the Magna Carta of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI), not only remain in time but have reached a worldwide relevance.

One of the topics addressed during the event, which was coordinated with the INTOSAI General Secretariat, is SAIs' independence as the basis of government control and future challenges.

Mr. Hubert Weber, who is considered one of the " fathers" of the Lima Declaration, also attended the event as a special guest and made a presentation on the process of elaboration of the Declaration.

The event was attended by delegates from 45 INTOSAI members, including 18 EUROSAI members.

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