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  3. Cooperative audit on air quality

Cooperative audit on air quality

20 Декабрь 2017 г.

The Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) has initiated a cooperative audit on air quality. For this cooperative audit the NCA has teamed up with the Supreme Audit Office of Poland (NIK) to co-coordinate this big audit with 16 participating SAIs. The audit consists out of 16 national audits and reports and the results will eventually be published in one joint report. The main objective of the audit is to assess measures to combat air pollution.

On the 8th and 9th of November all participants met in Luxembourg for the third time. The successful meeting was hosted by the European Court of Auditors. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the progress made by the participants. The first day the participants gave a presentation about their findings so far. We concluded that all SAIs are progressing well in their national audit and the results so far are very interesting. During the second day the participants where divided into three groups. Each group discussed the national audits. We ended the meeting with a plenary session in which we discussed the joint report and specified the next steps towards the joint report. The firth and final meeting will be held in May/June in Warsaw.


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