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  3. Database of audits contains already more than 400 audits

Database of audits contains already more than 400 audits

5 Февраль 2016 г.

Database of audits contains already more than 400 audits


Goal Team 3, chaired by the Czech SAI, is happy to inform you that as of today 407 audits have been uploaded into the database of audits:

Database of audits has been designed as a database containing basic information and links concerning audit reports issued by the EUROSAI members (including the report itself - where available). The database was launched in 2015 and its maintenance was entrusted to the Goal Team 3. 

The database is easily accessible and should reduce the volume of individual requests and questionnaires about audits by concentrating the knowledge in one place.

Of course, without the contribution and cooperation of EUROSAI members, the database cannot provide the desired effect. It would be mostly appreciated if all EUROSAI members could submit their audit results from the year 2014 into the database.

GT3 is responsible for the whole setup and maintenance, and will be more than willing to guide you through the process of submitting your audit reports, if necessary.

In case of any questions, please contact directly the GT3 team -

At this place, GT3 would like to thank very much all the colleagues who have already contributed. 

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