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  3. EUROSAI contributes to the 2nd INTOSAI Regional Coordination Platform (IRCP) meeting in Cape Town

EUROSAI contributes to the 2nd INTOSAI Regional Coordination Platform (IRCP) meeting in Cape Town

3 Июнь 2019 г.

Representatives from the SAIs of Spain -EUROSAI Secretariat-  and Poland -co-leader of the Strategic Goal 2 (Institutional Capacity Development)- attended the second meeting of the INTOSAI Regional Coordination Platform, held on 21-23 May in Cape Town (South Africa). More than 50 representatives from all INTOSAI’s global bodies and INTOSAI Regional Organisations gathered to discuss coordinated efforts and issues for the benefit of INTOSAI members.

The first day was devoted to parallel sessions for the INTOSAI global bodies and the INTOSAI Regional Organizations (IRO) themselves, who gathered at the “2nd Round table of the IOR” under the chairmanship of OLACEFS (SAI of Chile, as Executive Secretariat). The 2nd Round table was organized as a workshop devoted to “Improving Regional Secretariats Capacities through Innovation”. After reflecting on the outcomes of 1st Round table, which were presented by the EUROSAI Secretariat representative, participants from the 7 IOR and sub-regions worked very actively with a Mini Innovation Toolkit, prepared and made available by OLACEFS Executive Secretariat.

Participants were guided by OLACEFS representatives in a very practical way on the use of the toolkit, which includes a set of tools to help SAIs when developing innovative projects.  In the following link you may find the main tools in pdf to be used for the ideation phase of a project;

During the rest of the days discussions among INTOSAI bodies and IOR on a wide variety of subjects were held, such as leadership development in INTOSAI,  ISSAI quality and utility value, ISSAI implementation, Quality control and Quality Assurance Systems, how to improve INTOSAI communication, support for auditing SDGs. All topics are aimed at coordinating and aligning common efforts to support the INTOSAI Strategic Plan.

Presentations and conclusions from the IRCP can be found on the CBC website under the menu tag Regional Coordination Platform, or – right here:

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