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  3. Participation of the EUROSAI Secretariat in recent INTOSAI meetings

Participation of the EUROSAI Secretariat in recent INTOSAI meetings

21 Ноябрь 2017 г.

Regional Forum on Capacity Development meeting

On 5 November 2017, representatives of the Secretariat and of the Polish coleader of the Strategic Goal 2 on Institutional Capacity Development attended the Regional Forum on Capacity Development meeting organized by the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee (CBC).  The representative from the Secretariat gave an overview of the key elements of the EUROSAI Strategy in support of Capacity Development. Among other decisions, it was agreed to create an INTOSAI-Regions Coordinating Platform as a logical extension of the current IDI-Regions annual workshop, inclusive of all organs and regional organizations. That platform would address the need for a single point of contact within INTOSAI that can streamline coordination and communication, align common efforts, explore synergies, track and evaluate progress, and share knowledge. It will meet annually towards the middle of the year.

Moreover, during this meeting the EUROSAI Secretariat proposed to set up a specific work session within this Platform for enabling a region-to-region practical knowledge sharing session. This short session has got a strong practical approach and is targeted to the Regional Organizations, so it was proposed that it would be designed by them and for their specific knowledge & experiences sharing needs. In this regard, it was proposed that its participants be those from the Regional Organizations, each year’s session chaired by one of them -on a rotatory basis-, and the setting of the agenda be done by this chair,  in close consultation with all the other Regional Organizations. Also, the EUROSAI Secretariat offered to chair the first session, in June 2018, and set its agenda in consultation with the other regions.

Additional information on the Regional Forum on Capacity Development meeting can be found here


70th INTOSAI GB meeting

In connection with INTOSAI to Crosscutting Priority 5, the Secretary General of EUROSAI, Mr. Ramón Álvarez de Miranda García, reported at the 7Oth INTOSAI Governing Board meeting, held in Graz, Austria, on 6 and 7 November 2017. In his report the Secretary General analyses EUROSAI recent strategic developments and the Organisation’s needs and expectations towards INTOSAI, addressing in particular the contribution to the implementation of INTOSAI’s strategic goals and cross-cutting priorities. The report was prepared in close coordination with the strategic goal co-leaders and it can be consulted here .

The most important decisions taken by the Governing Board at its 70th meeting can be found in the INTOSAI’s website. Among those decisions, the INTOSAI GB endorsed the creation of the INTOSAI Regions Cooperation Platform.

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